President/Professor Obama called on senators and representatives alike giving input as to what he thought were good ideas, what were bad ideas, what was relevant, what was not relevant, and cut people off if he thought they were going too far...just like a professor. When counting how much time alotted he did not count himself because he is the President/professor. If you do add his talk time in, the Democrats talked for over 4 hours, Republicans talked for barely 2 hours. Obama spoke for well over two hours, more than all the other democrats combined, and more than all the republicans combined.
There were sob stories about women sharing dentures, Jesus the restaurant owner, there were jabs at silly alarmists talking about this whole reconciliation thing, and there was anger at bringing the actual bill (a giant 2300 page pile) to the Summit. God forbid you actually bring the fucking Healthcare Plan to the Healthcare Summit.
It was contentious but Republicans stayed respectful (I was hoping they would express more frustration and ask what as the point?), did not get rude by talking over anyone and did not make any direct attacks on the President. The President took a shot at McCain, Alexander, and Paul Ryan. Democrats angerly invoked all the right-wing nut jobs that think this is socialism and all other sort of random things.
To summarize: Republicans came to talk about their problems with the bill and make their talking points for the 5000th time. Democrats wanted to slam the Republicans for not voting for the bill and for being so knit-picky about portions of the bill. Obama won the election, the democrats won the election, so you should do what we want because we won! The election is over John, I won, so stop getting in my way. People don't care about process John, when the election is over, the loser should shutup and just go away.
It was a massive waste of time with no negotiation, it ran like a law class for bad lawyers, it was incredibly boring so much so that networks dumped it quickly, even the news networks started to bring in guests and commentators rather than actually hear what was being said.
And in the end, Obama stated they are going forward anyway, that Reconciliation is on the table and that really they don't need any Republican why did we have a Summit? What was the point of all this? How can we conclude anything other than it was just a political gimmick?
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14 years ago