The events of the last couple months ought to give us pause. We have leaders that demand that members of Congress vote on a bill before they can read it, they freely admit they make the rules up in the House as they go along, they believe they can "deem" a bill passed, they believe an executive order can change current federal law, they do all this with no regard for the minority party in the Congress or the majority of the people in the country.
There are those within the democratic party that claimed that life was sacred at the moment of conception and that no federal funds should be used to fund abortion, and yet they vote for the bill. The lie is exposed. There is no such thing as a pro-life democrat. There is no such thing as a democrat with principles. Anything that furthers the power and influence of themselves and their party is a worthy endeavor.
We have a new massive program added, with only half of it paid for with higher taxes the rest on fictional Medicare cuts. As history has taught us, it will likely cost much much more. As basic social science teaches us, it will not lower premiums, will not improve care, and won't lower the deficit.
Democrats are far more than simply too far left for the country, they have intentionally ignored the U.S. Constitution. President Obama, Pelosi, and Reid care very little for this country, the apologize for it throughout the world, they criticize its people, its businesses, its habits, and even the manner in which they talk about public issues. And what disgusts me is that the University of Chicago paid Barack Hussein Obama to teach Constitutional Law to law students. And conservatives are just paranoid of liberal universities and faculty? Hardly. Obama's regard for the Constitution is just above the scribbles on a notepad. But what makes it more clear, is that: if the United States was such a great country, and the Constitution such a perfect political charter, why has such transformational changes, ground-shaking reforms, and outright defiance of the Constitution been required for what is a PUBLIC SUBSIDY!
We are not talking about an existential threat to the country, it is not slavery, it is not war, it is not political oppression or tyranny. We are not talking about women's suffrage, conscription, Prohibition, or social security. We are talking about paying for 31 million people to get Health Insurance. Not healthcare, health insurance. We are mandating that Americans buy health insurance, whether they like it or not. It is a taking. It is a perversion of the Commerce Clause authority. It stretches the hand of the central government farther than it has ever been stretched before. Every one of our Founding Fathers would be outraged by the events of the last couple months. They would be standing outside the Capitol Building with actual pitch forks, ready to tar and feather Pelosi, Hoyer, or Stupak.
And yet they applaud inside. They know these things, they are not stupid. They just don't care. The Constitution is a dusty old document with only marginal relevance. Power, control, and dependence is what they want. It has been done numerous times in the world. the fact that there is no Gestapo does not make it any less true. No tyrant freely admits he intends to oppress the people before he does so.
You want proof of their lack of care, look at the poor African American communities in Chicago, Detroit, or Philadelphia. For decades, they have been run by liberal democrats cut from the same cloth as Obama and Pelosi. And today, they are poor, in some cases poorer, they still live in what we call ghettos, and they still march and demand this and that from an unfair country. Socialism does not work. The democratic model does not work. We know this and we have known this for a while. But we just feel so damn cruel and guilty for not supporting these wasteful, ineffective, and ambitious social programs.
Well, read Federalist #10. The majority faction has been more than happy to overrun the minority here in order to get their way. They care little for process or rules. They expand their power and authority over all at the expense of all. But as long as you are within their dependent patronage armies, you will get taken care of. As the country slowly descends into economic ruin as did Argentina, Japan, and others have before us, we will all slowly become more miserable, hopeless, and weak.
That is our future under this President and this Congress. Unless they are defeated and their efforts repealed, our country will see its fall in 5-10 years rather than a few decades.
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14 years ago
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