Few will remember the Moscow Treaty, negotiated around 2002. At the time, the United States and Russia had about 6000-7000 deployed operational nuclear warheads. The treaty, negotiated between Bush and Putin required that both countries reduce the number of deployed, operational warheads to about 2200-2600 warheads.
Liberals and main-stream media did not talk about it, and when they did, they argued it was pointless considering Russia could take the warheads offline and put them in reserve, then just bring them back up to operational status if necessary. Bush could do the same. It did not require actual dismantling of weapons.
Well Bush went farther. He not only lowered the number of US operational warheads from 6000 to 2200, he also ordered the reserve warheads dismantled and eliminated. Wow, this from a President that was such a warmongeror!!!!
What does Obama accomplish this week? He will lower the number of US operational warheads from 2200 to 1500-1600. Wow, and the media and others all think this is such a ground-breaking agreement. Bush lowers our operational force by over 4000 warheads, Obama gets rid of 600. Bush gets Putin to reduce his operational force by 4000-5000 warheads. Obama is getting 600. Wow. What would we do about Russia if it weren't for Obama. We were on the path to confrontation clearly under that madman Bush.
Why is it that the most assertive and "warmongering" Presidents get the greatest results in terms of peace and disarmament? Reagan's election saw the release of hostages from Iran, and he placed tremendous pressure on the Soviet Union. His VP continued that pressure and we saw the end of the Soviet Union and the Fall of the Berlin Wall.
Under Clinton, India and Pakistan become nuclear powers. North Korea gets the uranium necessary to build their first nuclear weapon.
Under Carter, our ally, the Shah, fell and a radical fundamentalist regime took over. The new regime took hostages that Carter could not get released in over a year. Under Kennedy, the Soviet Union decides to put nuclear missiles in Cuba after meeting the man. Granted, Kennedy did a superb job in dealing with the Cuban Missile Crisis, but we got their because the Soviets perceived weakness.
A pattern has emerged. The main-strem media, as well as the liberal establishment knows nothing about actual disarmament and maintaining international peace.
President Obama has done nothing but take a teaspoon out of the bucket, while Bush almost empties it completely during his term. I did not know this until I read about it in the Weekly Standard. It is just more evidence that we need to go beyond the headlines to learn the truth.
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14 years ago
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