This is the United States today. Today, a corporation is required to make filings with the SEC regarding its business decisions and outlook that directly affect shareholders. If you say something in that SEC filing that is contrary to what the U.S. Government wants, you just might be called to Washington D.C. to testify as well as make available e-mails, memos, and internal papers on the subject.
This is our country today. If a private corporation makes a government filing that does not support government policy or make it "look good", you are in trouble. And to all other private corporations that are considerng making such filings and God forbid, tell the truth in them, you might want to think about what the government wants, their interest, because in the end it is the federal government's interests that are most important, not yours and not the shareholders.
This is in reference ot the news that the executives of AT&T are being called to testify in front of Henry Waxman's Committee about a recent SEC filing that stated they will be re-evaluating their healthcare benefit programs of their employees and retirees as a result of the recent legislation.
In the United States today, if you want to go to college it is going to cost thousands and thousands of dollars. If you want loans to help pay for it, you will need to go to the federal government. They now control the entire student loan industry. They have positions in numerous large banks, they have control of the Federal Reserve of course. In short, if you want a loan, credit, or money in general you will have to get it from the federal government.
In the United States today, it is important for the President of the United States to give his full opinion on Supreme Court decisions and criticize the Justices on national television if necessary. These are Justices that serve on the Court for life, are not beholden to voters, and certainly not beholden to the President. In some bizarre world, the opinion of the President matters to the Supreme Court, the executive branch has the right to go after the judicial branch.
In the United States today, any reference to God or Christianity is a clear endorsement and establishment of a State Religion. You can't call it Good Friday, its Spring Holiday. Its not Merry Christmas, its Happy Holidays. If the word God is anywhere on Government document, engraved on a wall or statue, or mentioned in the pledge of allegiance - it is bad. This country must take the initiative to eliminate all symbols of religion from the country out of fear of it magically establishing a State Religion, or offending someone somewhere, and to make this country atheist as soon as possible.
This is the United States. If there is anywhere one has the right to offend one another it is here. It is what Free Speech and Free Religion directly involves. You are allowed to practice these things regardless of who it offends. That is the point. Many came here because these activities offended someone in their home country. This country is not atheist, it was not founded by atheists, and the Founders certainly did not want to establish an atheist country.
This is expansion of government power and control of private citizens and individuals, control of all money, and the suppression of a person's right to exercise their religion, and for people to acknowledge that in this country there are Christians and that those Christians have holidays and our calendars reflect that. Instead of pretending religion does not exist, we should fully acknowledge these facts and also realize that this in no way is a declaration of some endorsement of a State Religion. These symbols have been present for 230 years and yet we still do NOT have a State Religion.
Of course, none of this matters. In ten years or less, we will be bankrupt. The economy will be in ruins, we will retreat from the world, and our role as a global power will be extinguished.
Check out my organization's new website
14 years ago
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